Manton Heirloom apple project
The Manton Heirloom Apple Project begun as a project to save heirloom varieties of the Manton Apple, and teach children how to preserve food-crops.
One of our goals as an organization is to teach our children the cycle of food security: how to grow, harvest, prepare, save seed, and replant. For example, our children have grown corn, from seed to sale. You may have purchased some of their popping corn at the Manton Apple Festival! They have grown vegetable seed starts, which many community members grew with great results. We have collected six varieties of heirloom apples: Gala, Jonathan, Red Delicious, Arkansas Black, Gravenstein, and Rome Beauty. The topics we will teaching during this unit are: -Learning the method of grafting: how it works, why it works. -Vocabulary: Scion, Root Stock, Grafting, Food Security, Food Desert, Irrigation, climate, Compost, Mulch -What about Johnny Apple Seed? Does this story work? Why not? -What types of soil do apple trees like? Do we need to add compost? -Protecting fruit trees: What does mulch do? -Dwarf, Semi-Dwarf, what does this mean? Here is a link to preview of our teaching lesson prepared for the children: |